One Pencil, One student
by the Mid-Continent Oceanographic Institute
The Mid-Continent Oceanographic Institute (MOI) is a nonprofit founded in Minneapolis in 2009. Below is an example of one of their collections of youth writing, One Pencil, One Student. Find more information and more youth writing at their website here.
I Am a Mirror by Suheyla, Grade 4
I am a mirror
I reflect the wisdom of my grandma
the hope of my dad
the faith of my mom
the humor of my cousins
I share the qualities of
my family and that’s the
reason I’m successful.
Two Colors by Rihanna, Grade 4
Dark outside like
a soft warm jacket.
beautiful like a
sunset in the sky
with mixed colors
star gazing in a
dark day today.
and going to sleep
in a dark dark cave,
and going to wake up
in the morning with a colorful
sunrise again.